First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Mobile phone *
What is your age range? * 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56 and older
Program session: * IN-PERSON ATC in One Day: Atlanta, GA Saturday 9:00-5:30 PM ET on 4/19 with Brenda IN-PERSON ATC in One Day: Savannah, GA Friday 9:00-5:30 PM ET on 4/25 with William IN-PERSON ATC in One Day: Los Angeles, CA Sunday 9:00-5:30 PM PT on 4/27 with Cole IN-PERSON ATC in One Day: New York, NY Saturday 9:00-5:30 PM ET on 4/19 with Steven IN-PERSON ATC in One Day: Boston, MA Friday 9:00-5:30 PM ET on 4/18 with Tabitha IN-PERSON ATC in One Day: TFA MKE Saturday 9:00-5:30 PM CT on 3/15 with Paula IN-PERSON ATC in One Day: San Antonio, TX Friday 9:00-5:30 PM CT on 4/25 with Wanita IN-PERSON: Washington, DC Thursdays at 7:00 PM ET with Gideon starting 4/10 VIRTUAL ATC in One Day: VolunteerNC Monday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM ET on 4/21 with Ashley VIRTUAL ATC in One Day: Saturday 9:00-5:30 PM ET on 4/26 with Barbara and Howard VIRTUAL ATC in One Day: Saturday 12:00-8:30 PM ET on 5/3 with Crys VIRTUAL ATC in One Day: Friday 9:00-5:30 PM ET on 4/18 with Lauren VIRTUAL ATC in One Day: Saturday 9:00-5:30 PM ET on 4/26 with Sheila VIRTUAL: Mondays at 10:00 PM ET with John starting 4/7 VIRTUAL: Tuesdays at 8:00 PM ET with Marita starting 4/8 VIRTUAL: Thursdays at 11:00 AM ET with Rafael starting 4/10 VIRTUAL: Tuesdays at 8:00 PM ET with Ashely starting 4/8
I am clear about my leadership mission. * Rate your agreement with this statement. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I am clear about my shadow mission. * Rate your agreement with this statement. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
I understand what I would need to do to get involved in politics from where I am now. * Rate your agreement with this statement. Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree
How likely are you to work as a paid staffer on a campaign? * Rate your agreement with this statement. Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely
How likely are you to volunteer for a campaign? * Rate your agreement with this statement. Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely
How likely are you to run for office? * Rate your agreement with this statement. Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely
How likely are you to volunteer as a poll worker? * Rate your agreement with this statement. Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely
How likely are you to pursue a career in election administration? * Rate your agreement with this statement. Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely
If you are considering running for office, what is your time frame? Optional. By 2024 By 2026 By 2028 2030 or beyond Unsure Not considering running for office
Answering the Call engaged people with service backgrounds in a meaningful reflection process. * Please rate your agreement with this statement about Answering the Call’s effectiveness. Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutral/MixedSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
Answering the Call guides participants to achieve a higher level of inner clarity regarding their own sense of calling to become more politically engaged. * Please rate your agreement with this statement about Answering the Call’s effectiveness. Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutral/MixedSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
Answering the Call builds a pipeline of service program alumni committed to stepping up to higher levels of political engagement. * Please rate your agreement with this statement about Answering the Call’s effectiveness. Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutral/MixedSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
I am more connected to a group of engaged people with service backgrounds than I was before completing this program. * Please rate your agreement with this statement about Answering the Call’s effectiveness. Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutral/MixedSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
The strongest elements of Answering the Call were... *
In the future, the program could be strengthened by... *
Please provide feedback on your Facilitator: *
Answering the Call provided a setting where I felt like I could express myself. * New Politics Leadership Academy is committed to inclusion. This response will be used to assess how we can strengthen our programming. Please rate your agreement with this statement. Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutral/MixedSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
Answering the Call provided a setting where I felt like my contributions were valued. * New Politics Leadership Academy is committed to inclusion. This response will be used to assess how we can strengthen our programming. Please rate your agreement with this statement. Strongly AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutral/MixedSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
If your responses to either of the two questions above were “somewhat disagree” or “strongly disagree,” please provide an explanation so that we can address any concerns or make future improvements. Optional.
How likely are you to recommend this program to qualified friends or colleagues? * Very Likely Somewhat Likely Neutral/Mixed Somewhat Unlikely Very Unlikely
Ready for more? Optional. If you’d like to continue pursuing a path in politics, check below and we’ll follow up regarding some of our other programs. Foundations — For servant leaders who are clear that they want to run for officeCampaign staff training — For prospective campaign staffers who want to develop A-level skills
Please share a memory from ATC that you'll take with you! Optional. For use in testimonials and other promotional materials.
Alumni Directory NPLA maintains a directory of our graduates that we make available to program alumni for the purpose of fostering grassroots connections within our community and advancing the service to politics movement. The directory includes each graduate’s name, email address, LinkedIn, service background, home city and state, and class year. Graduates of our programs are added by default, but if you would like to opt out of being included, please check here. Do NOT include me in the directory.