
Optional. Please indicate city and state, or other relevant jurisdiction (e.g., "Suffolk County").

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Rate your agreement with this statement.

Rate your agreement with this statement.

Rate your agreement with this statement.

Rate your agreement with this statement.

Rate your agreement with this statement.

Rate your agreement with this statement.

New Politics Leadership Academy is committed to inclusion. This response will be used to assess how we can strengthen our programming. Please rate your agreement with this statement.

New Politics Leadership Academy is committed to inclusion. This response will be used to assess how we can strengthen our programming. Please rate your agreement with this statement.

Optional. For use in testimonials and other promotional materials.

NPLA maintains a directory of our graduates that we make available to program alumni for the purpose of fostering grassroots connections within our community and advancing the service to politics movement. The directory includes each graduate’s name, email address, LinkedIn, service background, home city and state, and class year. Graduates of our programs are added by default, but if you would like to opt out of being included, please check here.