Must include area code: (123) 456-7890

Street address, line one

Street address, line two

Optional. Please paste a link.

New Politics Leadership Academy does not discriminate on the basis of gender identity or expression.

Please select all that apply. New Politics Leadership Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity.

If you identify your service under State and National AmeriCorps programs, like TFA or City Year please denote "AmeriCorps" here.

*For ex: Public School Teacher from ‘94-04”, Social Worker from 2010-2021, etc.

Please answer in 100-250 words.

Optional. New Politics Leadership Academy is committed to making our programming inclusive of all people, of all abilities. If you require accommodations in order to participate, please let us know so we can make necessary arrangements.

Applicant Statement of Understanding: The deadline for applying to the program is March 16th. Applications will be dealt with on a rolling basis, and I can expect to hear back within a week of submitting my application. I understand that because this is a small group learning experience, my involvement and participation plays a significant role in the learning of the entire group. I agree that if accepted, I will make a good faith effort to make attendance at these sessions a priority in my schedule. I verify that I am not currently running for office nor an elected official, nor will be during the ATC sessions. (Please email if you are running.)

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